Safety Aisle Handrails were installed in the High School Gym today to help keep spectators and students safe.
about 5 years ago, Central Public Schools
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6th grade science has been studying simple machines for the last two weeks. They have been talking about the mechanical advantage of using simple machines to make work easier to do. Each hour class has a task that they need to perform with the building of a Rube Goldberg machine using three simple machines for each of the groups. The groups have to work together with the group in front of them and also the group behind them. The tasks include shooting a basketball, throwing a baseball, and recycling a piece of paper.
about 5 years ago, Central Public Schools
Simple Machines
Simple Machines
The Snow week Medallion has been found by Peyton, Gio and Callie. CONGRATULATIONS!!
about 5 years ago, Central Public Schools
HIGH SCHOOL snow week dress up days: Thursday = Grumpy old men/senior citizen day Friday = Sports Gear
about 5 years ago, Central Public Schools
Snow Week Dress up days: Wednesday = Hippie Day
about 5 years ago, Central High School
Raider Events: Tuesday January 14, 2020 Girls Basketball vs. TCU @ Montgomery C-Squad @ 4:30 JV @ 6:00 Varsity @ 7:15 Dance @ Belle Plaine @ 7:00.
about 5 years ago, Central Public Schools
Girls Basketball
Incoming Freshman (2020-2021 school year) Meeting TONIGHT @ 7 PM @ CHS Auditorium
about 5 years ago, Central High School
freshman info
Be sure to check out Twitter for the Medallion Clues!!
about 5 years ago, Central High School
Raider Events: Saturday January 11, 2020 JV and Varsity Girls Basketball @ Kasson-Mantorville starting at 9:00 am. Dance @ Holy Family
about 5 years ago, Central Public Schools
raiders basketball
dance team
Snow Week @ CHS 1/13 - 1/17 Monday - Pajama Day Tuesday - Double Denim vs. Groutfit Wednesday - Hippie Day Thursday - Grumpy old men/senior citizen day Friday - Sports Gear
about 5 years ago, Central High School
snow week
Raider Events: Friday January 10, 2020 Boys Basketball @ Jordan C-Squad @ 6:00 (River Valley School) JV @ 6:00 (HS) Varsity @ 7:15 (HS) Wrestling Quad here w/GSL, St Clair & Spector @ 5PM
about 5 years ago, Central Public Schools
Raiders Basketball
The 7th Grade Industrial Tech class visited Plato Woodwork today!
about 5 years ago, Central Middle School
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Middle School"s "Reindeer games" happening TODAY! Competition Categories include: Oral Interpretation Reading Ping Pong Team Course Frisbee Throw Sled Relay Race Reindeer Drawing Math Mind Language Arts Expert Gamer Science Experiment Free-throws
about 5 years ago, Central Middle School
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RAIDER EVENTS: Thursday January 9, 2020 Girls Basketball vs Sibley East JV @ 6PM Varsity @ 7:30 PM Wrestling Tri @ Sibley East w/Eden Valley @ 5 PM Dance MRC @ Jordan @ 5 PM
about 5 years ago, Central Public Schools
Girls Basketball
Dance Team
Did you know we accept Applications for Educational Benefits for free and reduced-price school meal benefits at any time? School lunch is critical to student health and well-being, and ensures that students have nutrition they need throughout the day to learn. Research shows that receiving free or reduced-price school lunches reduces food insecurity, obesity rates, and poor health. #RAIDERPRIDE
about 5 years ago, Central Public Schools
F&R lunch applications
We are excited and humbled that the Central Public Schools community voted in favor of the “It’s Essential” 2019 Operating Levy and Capital Projects Levy referendum questions. We are eternally grateful to you for this affirmation of our needs. Students in our district will benefit from this investment for years. Thank you for your support. #RAIDERPRIDE
over 5 years ago, Timothy Schochenmaier​
"It's Central. It's Essential." Check out all the Referendum Information here:
over 5 years ago, Timothy Schochenmaier​
It's Central. It's Essential! Central Public Schools Referendum 2019
Central staff are putting the "I" in Kind! #beraiderkind
over 5 years ago, Timothy Schochenmaier​
Putting the I in Kind
Putting the I in Kind