RAIDER EVENTS: Thursday 12/21/23
Wrestling @ Eden Valley Watkins @ 5:00
Boys Basketball vs Sibley East
C @ 4:30
JV @ 6:00
Varsity @ 7:15
**All tickets must be purchased online or VIA card reader at the door**
(No cash box at the gate)
$6 adults, $4 student
Streaming Link: https://fan.hudl.com/usa/mn/norwood-young-america/organization/10583/central-high-school

CHS Artists of the week:
This week's artists are from Global Arts and Jewelry class.
The work being shown are Batik Projects. Batik is a textile technique that uses wax and dye to create imagery on fabric. Students use traditional tjanting tools to apply melted wax as a resist to create lines and imagery as well as to protect and preserve colors previously applied. The technique originated from the island of Java, Indonesia.
Congratulations to:
Ariah Oelfke
Nic Weege
Jaci Leagjeld
Claire Manthei

Class of 2024 - Senior Spotlight:
Kieran Allison

RAIDER EVENTS: Tuesday 12/19/23
Boys Basketball vs Jordan
C-Squad @ 6:00PM
JV @ 6:00PM
Varsity @ 7:30PM
All tickets must be purchased online or VIA card reader at the door
(No cash box at the gate)
$6 adults, $4 student
Streaming Link: https://fan.hudl.com/usa/mn/norwood-young-america/organization/10583/central-high-school

FAFSA Information Night
6:30 PM
CHS Commons Flex Space

12/18/23 - 12/23/23 WeeklyEvent Schedule:

Let's give a round of applause to these incredible students who were recently cast to perform in this years One Act Play "Antigone”.
More information on performance dates and tickets links to come.

Wrestling @ LeSueur-Henderson @ 6:30 ( weigh-ins @ 5:30 PM, Bus leaves at 4:15)
Girls Basketball vs Annandale
C-Squad @ 5:30 PM
JV @ 5:30 PM
Varsity @ 7:00 PM
*All tickets must be purchased online or VIA card reader at the door
(No cash box at the gate)
$6 adults, $4 student
Streaming Link: https://fan.hudl.com/usa/mn/norwood-young-america/organization/10583/central-high-school

Coming to Norwood tonight for GBB vs. Annandale? Get your tickets ahead of time! Use this link: https://www.vancoevents.com/us/CFJT
Can't come but still want to watch? Streaming Link: https://fan.hudl.com/usa/mn/norwood-young-america/organization/10583/central-high-school

Wrestling @ LSH 6:30 - weigh-ins @ 5:30 PM, Bus leaves at 4:15 PM
C, JV, & Var. GBB vs. Annandale 5:30/7:00 PM

Attention fisherman! Please join us at 6:00 in the HS auditorium to learn how you can join the Central Fishing Club. We are looking for anyone interested in passing on their love of fishing to others. Please join Mr. Kley tonight to learn about this new opportunity!

RAIDER EVENTS: Saturday 12/16/23
Boys Basketball vs Watertown Mayer
C-Squad @ 12:30pm
JV @ 12:30pm
Varsity @ 2:00pm
Purchase Tickets Here: (No cash box at the gate)
Wrestling Invitational @ Monticello @ 10:00am

RAIDER EVENTS: Friday 12/15/23
Wrestling Quad @ St. Agnes @ 5:00pm
7th & 8th Grade GBB vs. Sibley East 4:30/5:30

GBB game tonight vs. Sibley East 6/7:30 - Buy your tickets here: https://www.vancoevents.com/us/events/landing/38658
Watch live on Hudl TV here:https://fan.hudl.com/usa/mn/norwood-young-america/organization/10583/central-high-school

The High School Student Council would like to offer each elementary grade an opportunity to have their picture taken in one of our Winter Theme hole-in-the-face cutouts .
Elementary students can have photos taken in a snowmen, reindeer, or a gingerbread man cut out. A $1 donation would be greatly appreciated, with proceeds going to the Bountiful Basket food shelf in Cologne..
Monday 12/18 8 - 8:30 Pre-school
Tuesday 12/19 8 - 8:30 am K & 1st
Wednesday 12/20 8 - 8:30 am 2nd & 3rd
Thursday 12/21 8-8:30 4th & 5th
We will be emailing the picture directly to the parents.

2023 Middle School Holiday Week Dress Up Days:
December 18-December 22
Sponsored by: Middle School Student Council
12/18 Monday - P.J. Day! Roll out of bed and come to school in your comfy P.J.’s.
12/19 Tuesday - Twin Day! Find a friend or group of friends and dress alike for the day…………..or dress in your Minnesota Twins gear.
12/20 Wednesday - “Ugly Sweater” Day! Rock that awesome sweater today!
12/21 Thursday - Holiday Character Day! “Frosty”?, “Elf”?, “Rudolph”?, “Grinch”?, “Scrooge”? Who will you be today?
12/22 Friday - Festive Friday! Show your Holiday Spirit and show your festive side!

RAIDER EVENTS: Thursday 12/14/23
Girls Basketball vs Sibley East
C-Squad @ 6:00pm
Varisty @ 7:15pm
**JV Girls Baketball @ TCU @ 6:00pm
Boys Baketball @ Litchfield
C-Squad @ 5:30pm
JV @ 5:30pm
Varsity @ 7:00pm

Saturday Jan. 20, 2024:
Please join us for the Recognition of Gary Lembcke and 39 amazing years of coaching Central Raiders Girls Basketball. Gary will be recognized before the 7:30pm girls' varsity game against Mayer Lutheran.
After girls' game we invite you to join us in the commons for treats.
In addition to the recognition of Coach Lembcke, the Boosters are holing their annual airplane toss fundraiser!
Join us in watching great games, celebrating great people and donating to a great cause!

RAIDER EVENTS: Tuesday 12/12/23
Boys Basketball vs Le Sueur-Henderson
JV @ 6:00pm
Varsity @ 7:15pm
Ticket Link
Streaming Link:
Girls Basketball @ Southwest Christian
C-Squad @ 4:15pm
JV @ 5:30pm
Varsity @ 7:00pm

Boys Basketball - 12/27/23 @ TARGET CENTER: ONLINE TICKETS ONLY
All 3 HS teams will play against Randolph:
C-Squad @ 1pm
JV around 2:30pm
Varsity around 4pm.
12/27/23 Ticket Link:
Enter promo code: raiders
Follow the online instructions to secure the digital ticket (mobile only).
There's only a small number of HS teams who get to do this, so let's PACK THE STANDS and cheer on our boys!