Class of 2023 Senior Spotlight: Josie Beneke
almost 2 years ago, Central High School
Beneke SS
Class od Senior Spotlight: Taylor Finnerty
almost 2 years ago, Central High School
t finnerty ss
The NYA monthly food distribution in the community is changing days. Food will be distributed in the parking lot at city hall on the FIRST Wednesday of the month from 12:30 to 1:30 pm.
almost 2 years ago, Central Public Schools
food flyer
The Central Booster Club is excited to offer new summer apparel options! Please see attached form for details. Reach out to with any questions. Thank you for your support! The Central Booster Club
almost 2 years ago, Central Public Schools
summer gear order form
summer gear
summer gear
Class of 2023 Senior Spotlight: Jared Glander
almost 2 years ago, Central High School
Glander ss
Mrs. Hammers's criminal justice class got to visit the Carver County courthouse and Judge Eric Braaten’s courtroom.
almost 2 years ago, Central Public Schools
CJ class
RAIDER EVENTS: Tuesday 4/18/23 Golf @ LeSueur Country Club Boys & Girls (Varsity only) @ 4:00 pm Varsity Track Meet @ Arlington @ 4:15 Softball vs. LeSueur-Henderson (DH) JV @ 4:00 & 6:00 pm Varsity @ 4:00 & 6:00 pm **C-Squad Softball @ Delano @ 4:30 pm Baseball vs. Mayer Lutheran JV @ 4:30 pm @ Cologne Varsity @ 5:00 pm @ Norwood
almost 2 years ago, Central Public Schools
Class of 2023 Senior Spotlight: EllaMae Neaton
almost 2 years ago, Central High School
Neaton SS
April 17, 2023: Today's baseball game(s) vs Sibley East (C-Squad, JV, and Varsity) have been postponed. Girls Golf Meet postponed TODAY (4/17) and move to tomorrow (4/18) @ LeSueur Country Club Middle school Softball and Baseball games for today have also been postponed. The new dates are yet TBD.
almost 2 years ago, Central Public Schools
RAIDER EVENTS: Monday 4/17/2023 Girls Golf @ LeSueur Country Club @ 4:00 pm Baseball vs Sibley East C-Squad @ 6:15 pm @ Young America JV @ 4:30 pm @ Young America Varsity @ 5:00 pm @ Norwood
almost 2 years ago, Central Public Schools
Congratulations to Nathan Panning, Alex Romero, Trey Gratz and Amanda Brinkman for placing 4th at the State Knowledge Bowl tournament. There were over 1,000 Knowledge Bowl teams in Minnesota this season and the top 48 went on to compete at State. This team competed against the best in the state and walked away with a medal and represented Central with Raider Pride!
almost 2 years ago, High School
4 students wearing medals
**ATTENTION CENTRAL ALUMNI** If you are a former Central Student that painted a ceiling tile in Mrs. Hammers's room and would like it, please make arrangements to pick it up or ask a sibling/parent to get it for you. You can email Mrs. Hammers at to arrange a time, before or after school starting on Monday, April 24 until Friday, May 4.
almost 2 years ago, Central High School
RAIDER EVENTS: Monday 4/17/23 5th Grade Band Concert @ Central ELEMENTARY school @ 6:30 pm
almost 2 years ago, Central Public Schools
spring band concert
Class of 2023 Senior Spotlight: Gavin Sudheimer
almost 2 years ago, Central High School
Sudheimer SS
RAIDER EVENTS: Friday 4/14/23 Speech Sections @ Maple Lake High School @ 3:30 Softball vs Dassel-Cokato @ Norwood Sports Complex JV @ 4:15 pm Varsity @ 4:15 pm
almost 2 years ago, Central Public Schools
Class of 2023 Senior Spotlight: Jack Bursey
almost 2 years ago, Central High School
Bursey SS
Today, April 14, is drive a tractor to school day at Central. Students are driving tractors to school today as a bit of a kickoff to springtime, leading up to planting season.
almost 2 years ago, Central Public Schools
RAIDER EVENTS: Thursday 4/13/23 Track Meet @ Arlington @ 4:15 pm Softball: C-Squad @ Norwood Sports Complex @ 4:30 pm Baseball: C-Squad @ New Prague @ 4:30 pm JV @ Belle Plaine @ 4:30 pm Varsity @ Belle Plaine @ 5:00 pm
almost 2 years ago, Central Public Schools
Mental Health Day is a day for secondary students to decompress, enjoy their peers, and get a well-deserved break for working hard all year. ***This year MHD will be held on April 21st.*** We will have Elephant Joe’s and Adventure Bowls here and the community is welcome to come and grab a snack on that day. In addition, many community members and agencies will have booths set up for mental health support and information as well as activities available for students inside and out.
almost 2 years ago, Central Public Schools
mental health
Class of 2023 Senior Spotlight: Jackson Tietz
almost 2 years ago, Central High School
Tietz SS